Thursday, June 4, 2009

Something Like the Beginning

I think part of my struggle with this blog (besides the fact that it doesn't write itself) is that I wanted it to be funny, or interesting, or colon-explodingly spectactular. I wanted it to be what I saw in other blogs. I wanted a hook and I wanted to be amusing. The problem is that I'm funny, interesting AND colon-explodingly spectacular pretty much all the time, but that's a hard thing to get across in a blog (you really need to live that particular experience).

So this is my last try. The purpose of this blog moving forward is a recounting of my life from the end of my series of Los Angeles e-mails. After leaving LA I moved to Brooklyn, lost every last hint of self-confidence and spiraled into a depression so deep that I spent nearly four years in a terrifically boring office job in Buffalo without really noticing. That's about to end soon (one way or another) and now seems like a good time to fill in the gaps. And if I can't even do that, the blog dies.

Boy and Dog. Dog now dead.

Before Los Angeles everything is hazy. I was born in Ellsworth, in a manager, surrounded by moose and bears. Let me think about it. I can probably remember something else...

1 comment:

  1. Why's that dog have an Eskimo friend? You should probably have put a photo of you with the dog instead, if it was yours. Otherwise, this is just weird. Or is it Inuit? I'd love to try seal.

    I'm glad you were born in a manAger. What's it like inside Tony LaRussa?
